Call to Action - July 9, 2020 - Revised IP&C Guidance for PCH/TCC, Staff Screening Report Process, Management of Staff Food, Accessing Cafeteria Food and Beverages During COVID-19

Revised IP&C Guidance for Personal Care Homes/Transitional Care Centres

A revised IP&C Guidance for PCH/TCC has been released.  The revisions include changes to the requirement to isolate residents/patients for 14 days upon admission and re-admission from community.  Admissions and re-admissions from Green Zones of Health Care facilities do not require isolation upon arrival in the facility.  Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to review and implement accordingly.

Staff Screening Reporting process

Due to the implementation of Sustainable Staff Screening process, the current Southern Health-Santé Sud reporting of Staff Screening results process (for sites and facilities) is being revised.  At this time, there is no requirement to report screening results on a daily basis.  Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to advise impacted staff accordingly.

Management of Staff Food

The Management of Staff Food guideline has been updated.  Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to review and implement accordingly.

Accessing Cafeteria Food and Beverages During COVID-19

Southern Health-Santé Sud has released a guideline on accessing cafeteria food and beverages during COVID-19.   Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to review and implement accordingly.

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