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Portage la Prairie

Douglas Campbell Lodge

Portage la Prairie, MB | T 204-239-6006 | F 204-239-0055

Home Care - Portage

Portage la Prairie, MB | T 204-239-2410 | F 204-239-2443

Lions Prairie Manor

Portage la Prairie, MB | T 204-857-7864 | F 204-857-8207

PCI Teen Clinic

Portage la Prairie, MB | T 204-857-6843 x 11609 | F 204-857-8514

Portage Clinic

Portage la Prairie, MB | T 204-857-3445 | F 204-239-1278


This symbol identifies sites offering health services in both English and French


Affiliate Health Corporations and Community Owned Not for Profit sites operate through a signed Service-Purchase Agreement with Southern Health-Santé Sud