National Non-Smoking Week

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With the start of a new year, many have set their sights on improving their health. Did you know that not smoking or quitting smoking continues to be the best thing you can do for your health? In Canada, there are now more people who have quit smoking than those who continue to smoke. If they can do it, so can you!

Talk to a Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Pharmacist about quitting. They can advise you on many resources available to help you quit or reduce including the possibility of using medication.
Another option is to talk to a quit counselor at Smoker’s Helpline. Their number is printed on every cigarette package.  

Need more motivation? Check out to find out about cash prizes available for Manitobans who make the choice to quit, reduce or make their car and home smoke-free.

And remember quitting smoking takes practice; so Don’t Quit Quitting.