Call to Action - February 24, 2022: Managing Pandemic Risk in Health Care during the Provincial Reopening, Staff Booster Session - More Changes to Stability - Where are we on the COVID-19 Journey

Managing Pandemic Risk in Health Care during the Provincial Reopening

A memo has been released regarding provincial reopening.

Leads/Directors/Managers (or delegates) review, implement and share accordingly.

Staff Booster Session - More Changes to Stability - Where are we on the COVID-19 Journey?

COVID-19 has challenged health system workers to change how we conduct ourselves in the workplace, our homes and our social connections. These changes can sometimes feel overwhelming.

To support health system workers, Shared Health and our Psychological Health & Safety Committee partners have brought together skilled trainers from across the province to facilitate a number of Staff Booster Sessions.

The Staff Booster Sessions are short, timely, and relevant presentations designed to fit into busy schedules, topics will include stress management, self-care and dealing with uncertainty. Booster Sessions will be recorded and made available as a streaming video on demand.

New Staff Booster Sessions begin shortly – register now!

Session Dates:

Session Description

How many of us have a top five list of phrases we cannot wait to put behind us? “Abundance of caution”, “Follow the fundamentals,” “Someone on Facebook said...” and “Changes, Mandates, and Restrictions today are...”

It was almost two years ago, on March 23, 2020, when Prime Minister Trudeau told Canadians to “Go home and stay home.” We thought we’d make some major and previously unimaginable sacrifices for a short period of time to “flatten the curve.” None of us could have imagined what would happen in the following two years with peaks and valleys of cases, medical breakthroughs and disappointments, community cohesiveness and divides.

In this session we’ll chat about some of the peaks and valleys as well as the impact on our health system and our society along the way. What decisions have “aged well” and what have we learned from? What are the immediate areas of concern in our population and our health care system and how will we move forward together?

Leads/Directors/Managers (or delegates) review and share the printable memo with staff.

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