Call to Action - February 4, 2022: Wear it Right

Wear it Right

Avoid Common Breaches and “Wear It Right” – IP&C Campaign to Celebrate Staff Wearing PPE Correctly

Wear it Right

PPE audits continue to show some common breaches, not only in direct care environments but also in staff break rooms, cafeterias and common areas. Remain vigilant and wear your PPE correctly, all the time.

Refer to Wear it Right - Shared Health for tips to keep yourself – and your patients/resident/clients and coworkers - safe.

A new PPE reminder campaign is being launched by provincial Infection Prevention & Control. The “Wear It Right” campaign will highlight staff who are found wearing their PPE correctly. Wear your PPE correctly and keep an eye out for roving IP&C experts. If you are caught “Wearing It Right”, consider letting them take a photo of you demonstrating the correct practice in your area/facility/care setting.

Watch for posters and digital screens featuring your colleagues, or submit your own photo for consideration.

Thank you for doing your part!

Leads/Directors/Manager (or delegates) review, implement and share accordingly.

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