Call to Action - January 4, 2022: Staff Booster Session - Tips for Setting Limits with Ourselves and Others

Staff Booster Session - Tips for Setting Limits with Ourselves and Others

COVID-19 has challenged health system workers to change how we conduct ourselves in the workplace, our homes and our social connections. These changes can sometimes feel overwhelming.

To support health system workers, Shared Health and our Psychological Health & Safety Committee partners have brought together skilled trainers from across the province to facilitate a number of Staff Booster Sessions.

The Staff Booster Sessions are short, timely, and relevant presentations designed to fit into busy schedules, topics will include stress management, self-care and dealing with uncertainty. Booster Sessions will be recorded and made available as a streaming video on demand.

New Staff Booster Sessions begin shortly – register now!

Session Dates:

Session Description:

Part of managing challenging workloads and increasing stress levels is finding balance in our daily activities, asking for help when we need it and learning to say no. For some of us, this is an internal struggle and we need encouragement and tools to help us better balance our priorities and shift our expectations.

Using elements from evidence-based therapy models, this session will encourage you to reflect on and potentially shift priorities for a more balanced life. You will also receive tips on how to communicate those limits to the people in your life

Leads/Directors/Managers (or delegates) review and share the printable memo with staff.